Thursday, August 25, 2011

random !!!

well today was awesome,,
maybe a bit sad,,since it my last day at work,,
so long adek2,,especially my adek yuna,,
fortunately smpat bg dye that note and duet raya,,haha silly punye kak yuna,, XD
he's damn cute td,,
mule2 blur2 je sbb mybe dye pelik asal je kak yuna ney nk bg aku sampul raya ney,,
then maybe lepas dye tgok what inside the sampul,,
dye dtg balek with a very cute face and a cute smile,,haha damn cute gile,,
dye dtg balek sbb nk tanye aku nk g mane,,cute gile
with his hand pangku his chin,, "kak yuna nak pegi mane?"
haha,,comel lah adek yuna ney!!!
and his last 'bye bye' was damn cute!!!cutest!!!
me and jejah was damn excited,,haha,,silly!!!
rase cm budak2 sekolah lg -.-" and we kindda forgot that we are reaching 21 very soon!!!haha
i hope he do well in his PMR,,so do adek2 yg laen,,
ade certain x sempat jumpe,,the girls,,ade sorg tuh rapat dgan dye,,tp x jumpe dye td,,haihh,,
this kakak koop work is kindda boring,,but definitely fun,,haha how come kan?
yelah boring bile x de org dtg beli ape2,,
fun bile budak2 ney dtg and sometime its too   fun its stress me out haha!!!
nway people,,Ramadhan nak berakhir dah,,
for those nak balek kampung tuh,,
have a safe trip k,,
be happy with your love ones this Raya,,aminn,,

p.s. i hope he do text or call me :) 


MISA said...

i love working with kids too :)

MISA said...

ala tergune account misa. ni atie tau. HAHA

lalalialia said...

hehe,,titi rupenye!!!